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100 Suggested Habits to Track in Your Habit Calendar

We get a lot of questions about what to track in your Habit Calendar.
So we compiled this list of 100 (!) habits that you can track daily, weekly, or monthly. They are broken down into categories so that you can pull from these ideas based on your priorities. Not sure where to begin? We have a free downloadable Brainstorm Guide so you can figure out what habits would be most helpful to you!
Physical Health
1. 30 minutes of movement
2. 5 servings of fruits and veggies
3. 8,500 steps
4. 10 push-ups (or your exercise of choice)
5. Pack gym clothes for tomorrow
6. Drink 8 glasses of water (you can write the number of glasses you drank in the square instead of a checkmark)
7. Pack your lunch
8. Screen-free meals
9. Go for a walk
10. Stretch
11. Explore one new hiking trail per month
12. Walk to destinations under a mile away
13. Weekly meal prep
14. Floss
15. Take medications
16. Eat a mindful meal
17. Monthly breast exam
18. Moisturize
Mental Health
19. Journal one sentence
20. Acknowledge how you’re feeling
21. Play with your pet
22. Rate stress level on a 1-10 scale
Spiritual Health
23. Read 1 page of a spiritual text
24. Pray or meditate
25. Write in a gratitude journal
26. Tell someone you love them
27. Take a deep breath
28. Spend 10 minutes outside
29. Volunteer weekly
30. Repeat a mantra or affirmation
31. Remember that we are all connected
Social Health (relationships / community)
32. Spend time with the kids in your life
33. Call or text a friend
34. Host a friend hangout monthly (craft night, book club, etc.)
35. Weekly date night
36. Send one thank-you note per week
37. Read to kids
38. Check in on neighbors/elderly
39. Make something (food or otherwise) to share with a neighbor or friend
40. Keep your phone on Do Not Disturb
41. Social media-free weekend
42. Under 1 hour of screen time
43. No screens after 9pm
44. Less than 15 minutes of social media per day
45. No texting while driving
46. Less than an hour of television
47. Choose your day’s priority (aka highlight)
48. Inbox zero
49. Create tomorrow’s to-do list
50. Review and prepare for tomorrow’s meetings
51. Call 10 prospects / write 500 words / fill 10 orders (or whatever your most important metric of work is)
52. One hour of focused work
53. Tidy your work space
54. Lunch or coffee with coworkers
55. Choose your week’s priority
56. Create monthly goals
57. Meet with your mentor monthly
58. Share daily or weekly goals with an accountability partner
59. Day of no spending
60. Pay in cash for purchases under $20 (this has been proven to decrease spending!)
61. Save 10% of paycheck
62. Put money into retirement monthly
63. Label all business/work expenses monthly (saves you time during tax season!)
64. Work in your garden
65. No plastic bags
66. Set up coffee maker for tomorrow
67. Clean your home weekly
68. Choose tomorrow’s outfit
69. Wash dishes
70. Put clothes and shoes away
71. Clean bag every week
72. Laundry
73. Make your bed
74. Water plants
75. Sort mail
76. Tidy house
77. Turn the compost pile
78. Do a deep clean of all countertops/surfaces
79. Declutter and reorganize your closet
80. Clean up and reset hubs for pets (clean food bowls, wipe down litter box, etc.)
81. File away the week’s papers
82. Reorganize your pantry & toss anything expired
83. Establish “1 in/1 out” zone – set aside a place to discard/donate 1 item in your house for every new item that comes in
84. In bed by 10pm
85. Read before bed
86. No coffee after 3pm
87. Complete your “wind-down” routine nightly
88. No phone/screen time in bed
89. Reset kitchen and workspace before bed
90. Practice your hobby (piano, coloring, puzzles, collage-- whatever!)
91. Watch a TED talk
92. Work on a crossword puzzle
93. Watch a new movie
94. Listen to a new album
95. Take a photo
96. Explore a new place monthly
97. Draw your daily diary
98. Cook a new-to-you recipe
99. Make a monthly moodboard of inspiration
100. Practice learning a new language
Have more ideas for habits to track in your habit tracker? Hit us up on Instagram, we'd love to hear your thoughts!