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6 Ways to Incorporate Self-Care Into Your Routine

It’s easy to get sucked into our busy schedules and think we don’t have time for self-care. But finding practical self-care methods makes it easy to incorporate a little “you time” into your everyday routines.
Below are some of our favorite easy ways to find time for ourselves.
1. Leave Yourself Reminders
Next time you have a free hour, write some notes to future-you—a compliment to yourself, a list of things you’re grateful for, or a favorite memory—anything that will bring a smile to your face.
Then comes the fun part: hide them! In pants pockets, books, cookie jars… When you find them, use it as an opportunity to pause, relax your shoulders, and take a couple of deep breaths.
2. Turn on Your Power Song
Humans are wired to respond to music, so whenever you need a little pep in your step, turn on your favorite jam.
Dancing around the room and singing into your hairbrush, spatula, or closed fist is also highly encouraged.
3. Give Yourself Hourly Breaks
You can get burnt out when putting your brain in overdrive for hours on end.
Try this instead: work hard for 45-50 minutes and then take a break for the rest of the hour. Get some fresh air if you can, but even if you stay indoors, try taking a walk, drinking a glass of water, or stretching.
Giving yourself a break will actually increase your productivity in the long run.
4. Create a Sleep Routine
The bedtime routine that’s right for you is whatever you can do on a consistent basis that gives you a great night of sleep—whether that means a bubble bath every night, journaling , or setting a reminder on your phone to turn all screens off after a certain hour.
5. Make Meals a Content-Free Zone
Use meal times as your excuse to put your phone away, clear your mind, and unwind. Avoid the urge to multitask. Instead, try focusing on your meal, how it tastes, what the texture’s like. Mindful eating can be a great form of meditation.
6. Imagine a Conversation with Someone You Admire
Who would be your dream confidant? Rihanna? Dwayne Johnson? Toni Morrison? Whoever they are, imagine what their insights would be and what advice they’d give you, and then follow it. It’s coming from Rihanna, after all.
Self-care can seem daunting—especially when you’re busy. Try adding one or two of these practices into your daily routine, and add more as they become second nature.
If you need help getting started, check out our new Self-Care Master Plan . It’s a unique-to-you framework you can refer to anytime you’re feeling less than awesome. Think of it as your friend that’s always reminding you to slow down and make time for the things you really enjoy.
What are some of your favorite ways to incorporate self-care in your day-to-day? Tell us @FreePeriodPress on Instagram.